Forever bicycles

The Cordoaria Nacional in Lisbon hosts the exhibition Rapture of the Chinese artist Ai Weiwei. In front of the museum a huge artwork “Forever bicycles” of Weiwei guides you to the entrance.

Lisbon Pink Street

Rua Nova do Carvalho in Lisbon has a shady past, but a project was started to improve the street and the neighbourhood. The street was painted pink (“Pink Street”) and transformed into a vibrant hangout.

We are in Lisbon for five days to get exposed to summer temperatures before moving into the north european winter.


European Mouflon

European Mouflons are beautiful wild sheep that originate from Cosica and Sardinia. In the Netherlands, these sheep were imported 100 years ago for hunting purposes. Today they play a role in keeping heather area’s open. The sheep live in a few fenced nature reserves, mainly on the Veluwe. Rams have helix-shaped horns of up to 80 cm.


The ARoS Aarhus Art museum is a spectacular 10 stories tall building opened in 2004. The architecture of the building was completed in 2011, with the addition of the circular skywalk “Your rainbow panorama”  designed by Olafur Eliasson. Visitors can walk through the corridor and have a panoramic view of the city. Apart from being a landmark for Aarhus and Denmark, the museum is a must-visit. Already the design of a new major extension of the museum is in progress.

More photos of our Jutland roadtrip in the Gallery.


Fur is a beautiful Danish island in the Limfjord. On Fur and a few other places around the Limfjord, you can find moler, which is a special kind of clay layered with black volcanic ash. Cat litter is made of it.


Like The Netherlands and Germany, Denmark has several islands in the Wadden Sea. We explored two of them: Rømø and Mandø. Mandø has a simple unpaved access road, which can be safely crossed during low tide. You can also be transferred with a tractor bus. The photo shows the many wooden breakwaters around the island.


A travel photographer who is not travelling…. That has been the situation since early 2020 as a consequence of the corona pandemic. But now, we feel comfortable to take a roadtrip to Jutland, Denmark, with stopovers in Lübeck (outward journey) and Hamburg (homeward bound) in Germany.

The photo shows historic salt warehouses in Lübeck, built in the 16th–18th centuries, where salt was stored to be shipped to the Baltic region.

Cage with no cougar inside

“Cage with no cougar inside” is the name of this artwork created by Dutch artist Maarten de Reus. Seen from some distance there is a cougar inside, but walking closer, the cat seems to disappear. The artwork is created  on a former dumping site in the city of Apeldoorn.