AWD or Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen is a dune landscape developed for the water supply of Amsterdam. It is also a  protected nature reserve  with beautiful flora and fauna. Photographer Krijn van der Giessen is guiding us in this area in search for widlife.

Ron Mueck

Museum Voorlinden (Wassenaar, The Netherlands) is presenting the largest retrospective of  sculptor Ron Mueck (Australia). The photo shows the installation Mass, a room filled with giant skulls.

Douro valley

We are back in Portugal and this time we spend time along the Douro river with beautiful views at the Portuguese vineyards. The photo was taken from a boat on the river close to Pinhão.

Ganzenmarkt tunnel

The tunnel between the Ganzenmarkt and the Oudegracht in Utrecht gives access to the Oudegracht wharves.  Probably the most photographed tunnel of the city, but most photographers will do this in the evening when lights will produce a colorful experience. But not for me, as I need the photo in B&W for my street life photo project.

Silly Walks

In the Dommeltunnel in Eindhoven,  Niels van Swaemen and Kaspar van Leek created a mural ‘the Silly Walks’ of Monthy Python. A famous episode with John Cleese as the Minister of silly Walks.

Vuelta poem

The stairs to the city hall in Utrecht carries a poem of Ruben van Gogh, written in 2022 as the city hosts a stage of the the Vuelta. Most people use the escalator next to the stairs and do not notice.